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he Never |
The Never is a page devoted to stuff I love, predominantly Metallica.
Click Here: 
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y Music Collection | |
I'm a big fan of music, Metallica or not. The
Drewid is gracious enough to let you view my collection
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he Drewid Banner Page | |
I have 3 banners for my site. They're pretty similiar. If you have a link
to my page, feel free to use one of my banners. If you just wanna' see
what I'm capabale of, artwork wise, feel free to check 'em out:
The Never Banners.
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reviews, Reviews, and Other Wierd Luggage (PROWL) | |
From here on, I'll be posting reviews when I buy a new album or get a new game. If you've got a review you want on here give me a mail.
I'll also post reviews I find on the Internet. If, however, I post something of yours here and you
don't want it at my site, tell me. I'll quickly remove it. So far I've got:
- Ride the Lightning - Drewid's review
- Load - Drewid's review
- RELoaded in Utah - Drewid show 9/10/98--What a SHOW!!!
Again, I'm always looking for your previews, reviews, or other cool stuff on
The Never. I'll always give you credit for it so send me what you have!!! (Otherwise, I'll drink all your Mountain Dew!)
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etallica Parodies | |
Can't find any yet. . .
But as soon as I do. . .Drewid Newsgroup.
Not as of today. I've got a stock pile of new files, but I havn't had
the time to review them on quality and such.
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re any of these midis worth downloading? | |
Every midi file on The Never is rated on a scale of Below Average
to Excellent. Any file rated Above Average or Excellent is worth
downloading. However, since opinions vary, my scale might be
worthless to some. So, I'm open to all suggestions, new files, edited files,
and reviews you have. (contact info)
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ow often is The Never updated? | |
All the time! The Never is updated mainly on a
random basis; whenever I feel like punching up HTML, making banners, writing reviews, etc. But, if you would like an e-mail message
to know when this page is updated, so you can get your daily dosage of
Drewid, let me know (contact info ).
Animated Jason Newstead